5 traits that make a woman irresistible.


Getting a man, any man is easy… but how do you remain irresistible…

How do you keep the juice flowing and the conversation going…

where he doesnt want to be anywhere else except in your magnetic presence...

There are 5 traits that make a women powerfully irresistible.

  1. Confidence - this is more potent than Chanel Number 5. She stands strong in who she is and recognises her own beauty, sophistication and elegance. She doesnt need to prove a thing to anyone or make them like her. She is comfortable in who she is. Being complimented is beautiful, but she doesnt need the validation to feel whole. She is whole. All of this must be encapsulated in warmth.

  2. Listening. This is harder than you may think. We women are incredible interruptors. Listening is an aphrodisiac for a man… ladies leave ethe rubber dinghy at home.. he doesnt need saving from himself.

  3. Autonomy - He’s capable ladies… he really is… Let him be… He doesn’t need a supervisor or a boss… he’s either one or he has one… he doesn’t need another… he also needs you to be autonomous in your life… having your own experiences, hobbies, and happiness giving events, nights out, friends is vital to the life force of a union.

    He cant become your everything. This will suffocate the relationship.

  4. Authenticity. A man doens’t really care whether you have botox or cellulite… whether you’re wearing the latest trends or the most expensive shoes. He will love you because you connected to his heart… your communication is respectful and you are aligned in how you want your future to be.

    the relationship feels easy.

    He wants you to be the authentic you… The botox and makeup are all personal choices but for a life long commitment and relationship of mutual love … its about self love and truly appreciating and accepting yourself because when you do this… you will accept him as he is.

  5. Awareness. Conscious awareness of our words, behaviours and actions is everything. Thsi will create unity or. separability… understanding what comes out of our own mouths… the cocoons we spin and the legacies we create will impact your relationships… blaming, critiquing, criticising, accusing, complaining, b*tching, whining, wounding, comparing, nagging, belittling are toxic habits that are destructive.

    Just like you can quit.an addiction… you can alter your world by your thoughts and words…

If you want respect, you want to be cherished by another human being then you have to bring communication, compassion and care to the table with you.


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