Is love REALLY Blind?

I am obsessed with the Netflix show Love is blind.

A love experiment where couples interact with each other from behind a wall. The interaction with each other builds the deep emotional connection propelling couples to fast track their decision making and propose to their new love.

Before the couples enter the pods … they too were unconvinced of how this would work.

Dynamically dating and getting to know each other … asking deep questions about children, values… how each other sees the future … creating connection and intimacy pushed couples to create partnerships that would last beyond the wedding.

I watched with intrigued as couples sought each other out and crated attachments quickly. It was fascinating and I became invested in the rollercoaster of the saga as the couples navigated each new obstacle.

So the question is “Can an emotional connection be all you need?

How important is the physical aspect of a relationship?

Do looks really matter?

I would love to know what you think???

As a Pakistani woman I was raised in a culture where marriages were created SIGHT UNSEEN so the concept wasn’t alien to me…

In fact marriages were organised by the parents who looked for certain traits and characterised THEY felt were important which would naturally lead to longevity, children, and the continuation of the family lineage.

They asked all the big questions, PARENT TO PARENT and gaged whether the couple were a suitable match.

Arranged marriages on the most part work as both parties understand the obligations and needs.

In the show, the contestants, the people who desired marriage, were asking the questions that were important to them…

So once the emotional connection was established… the next logical step was the proposal … followed by 4 weeks of in person dating and getting to know each other, getting to know each other… time to understand what makes the other person tick, resolve conflict… it’s speed dating… on speed…

No spoilers ….

By the end of the show my theories had been confirmed… emotional connection and acceptance of yourself and the other… is an important component and vital for a man to fall in love with you and when you combine the physical… the communication, respect, honesty, compatibility, humour, energy, conflict resolution …and radical honesty into the mix... you have the ingredients for a powerful relationship.

I would love to know what you think.


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